Monday, December 21, 2015


Somewhere on the internet...I think actually it was Studio 5, a woman was interviewed on how to make the holidays meaningful.  Her suggestion was to have a family meeting early in the month and have the family decide what they wanted Christmas to look like and what feelings they wanted to create this Christmas.  She suggested being flexible and letting go of traditions that may not fit your family anymore.  AFTER that discussion talk about what they wanted to DO.  After asking them what activities we should do, one by one they listed our traditions...

(we solder our pictures between two pieces of glass to make ornaments every year)

(we wrap 25 books and open one each day before Christmas)

(I was wavering on this is so time consuming and fairly expensive but their enthusiasm changed my attitude)

(we invite all of the grandparents over for a special dinner during the holidays, the girls perform the music they have learned for concerts and recitals and we give them gifts.)

I was so relieved that they chose these traditions we have held for the last ten years.  Honestly, when these traditions began I felt a little bit like playing house.  Although they each came from our own life experiences and the things we enjoy, it almost felt like we were trying to be something we weren't.  As each year goes by Danny and I have fallen more in love with each tradition.  This year something magical happened- they became truly their traditions too.  When they asked if they could make the ornaments too.  (Soldering irons are really hot, cutting glass is sharp so we always made them after they went to bed.)  They also created the entire grandparent party program.  It had been a CRAZY busy MONTH!  We truly had not found time to all plan and rehearse together.  Ellie, Kate and Sophie decided what they would each play and what they would play together.  Sophie recently (3-4 weeks ago) started flute.  On Sunday, the day of the party, Danny and I were making dinner and we hear Ellie and Kate talking to Sophie about which notes she knew on her new instrument.  They wrote out a part for her to play GOOD KING WENCESLAS with them.  As we heard them cooperating and helping each other...and playing beautiful music as they rehearsed in the basement, our hearts nearly burst.

Nothing is perfect around here.  There is too much teasing, fighting, and whining.   We have been too busy and their has been a lot more discussion of what we want for Christmas, and not enough of what we will give.  But moments like these make me so grateful for all of the good.  There is good surrounding us at every turn.  The magic of Christmas has brought more of it out in the forefront and I am so grateful.


  1. What wonderful traditions! We've been talking about what traditions we want to use with our children and may use a couple off of your list. ;)

  2. such a beautiful picture with your girls! <3 We too love our traditions.
